Balzer Village Newsletter

Summary of Back Issues


Highlights of back issues of the Balzer Village Newsletter are listed below. The Balzer research group is currently working on special issues that will cover such topics as 1766 Budingen marriages and Dudelsheim church book baptismal records.

 Spring 1996

 Contents include: Introductory issue information about Balzer and research, Balzer church register abstracts for 1861, discussion on availability of Balzer church records, review of 1775 and 1798 Balzer census, limited availability of Balzer 1857 Revision.

 Summer 1996

 Contents include: Balzer families listed in the OSCAR files at Lincoln, Balzer church register abstracts for 1830, 1838, 1839, and 1853, List of Balzer researchers with family surnames, 1857 Balzer Revision - Rockel Family.

 Fall 1996

 Contents include: Index to passenger lists in back issues of Clues, 1857 Balzer Revision - Schwabauer Family, list of Volga German surnames in Colorado from Balzer, Balzer church register abstracts for 1885, death notices.

 Winter 1996

 Contents include: 1766 Budingen marriage original, 1857 Balzer Revision - Grasmueck Family, sample 1910 Balzer parish record excerpt, 1920 Lincoln, NE census abstract for Balzerers, list of families in Dudelsheim church records, update on research requests in Russia.

 Spring 1997

 Contents include: Balzer home page initiated, Dudelsheim baptism and marriage records, Dudelsheim immigrants, Offenbach immigrants, 1857 Balzer Revision - Spaeth Family, 1920 Lincoln, NE census abstract for Balzerers.

 Summer 1997

 Contents include: Copies of Balzer parish seal and discussion, 1857 Balzer Revision - Habermann Family, family updates, Historical Review of Balzerer from 1938 1) The Migration from Germany to Russia 2) The Location of Balzer 3) The Church and the Schools 4) Ministers of the Gospel in Balzer 5) Commercial Standing of Balzer 6) The Emigration to America.

 Fall 1997

 Contents include: Highlights of AHSGR convention with pictures, 1857 Balzer Revision - Mueller Family, list of all Balzer related charts submitted by members to AHSGR, records availability.

 Winter 1997

 Contents include: Narrated history of "The Life of Katherine Schwabauer Miller" documenting history of selected families in Balzer, 1857 Balzer Revision - Claus Family, picture postcards, covention photos.

Ordering Information:

 The newsletter is available for an annaul subscription fee of $8.00. To obtain a copy of any of these back issues contact:

Wayne Bonner
15619 Ogram Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249-4445

Updated March 22, 1998
For questions about the Balzer pages contact Herb Femling - Webmeister
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